Chef Shane Chartrand - To The Marrow

Dear [ **FNAME** ],

As a committed participant and supporter of Aboriginal enterprise in Alberta, your appreciation for the entrepreneurial spirit of our First Nations communities is tremendously welcomed and appreciated. As a like-minded driver of economic and cultural reconciliation, we both applaud and share your commitment.

We are in the midst of a bold new venture to celebrate and promote indigenous Canadian culture in a remarkably unique new way. It’s called “To The Marrow,” a brand new reality television experience featuring Alberta’s popular and accomplished Chef Shane Chartrand.

In concert with an established local production company, Chef Shane will explore a selection of First Nation community cultures through the narrative surrounding their culinary history and heritage. He will plan and prepare dishes unique to each community; feast with their story-tellers; and break new ground in a contemporary re-telling of ancient anecdotes and fascinating fables.

We intend this stand-alone production to grow into a series, ideally appearing on CBC Television, though we will also look toward APTN, Gusto, The Food Network, Netflix and Amazon Prime.

We are currently in pre-production working hard to enlist sponsorship commitments from organizations such as yours. Our sponsors will be proudly promoted and gratefully acknowledged. We have a new cultural star in the making, a compelling indigenous foundation to build upon, and a mouth-watering learning experience to share.

Please feel free to contact me personally and visit us online. We look forward to hearing from you.


Keith Persaud
P3 Connect Ltd.
Edmonton, AB